Journal Galung Tropika <p><a href="">Journal Galung Tropika</a> (p-ISSN: 2302-4178, e-ISSN: 2407-6279) is a quarterly scientific publication (April, August, December) that focuses on the development of science and technology in the field of agriculture. Jurnal Galung Tropika is a forum for the publication of the latest research in the fields of agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, and plant biology. Jurnal Galung Tropika houses various scientific studies ranging from cultivation to natural resource management, with the aim of advancing the agricultural sector in a sustainable manner.</p> <p>This journal is published by the Faculty of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, and Fisheries, Muhammadiyah University of Parepare. With a broad scope, ranging from plant cultivation, animal husbandry, fisheries, to agricultural biotechnology, Jurnal Galung Tropika is a reference for researchers, academics, and agricultural practitioners in Indonesia.</p> Fakultas Pertanian, Peternakan dan Perikanan Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare en-US Journal Galung Tropika 2302-4178 Pemanfaatan Kapur Cangkang Keong Mas pada Air Rawa Media Pemeliharaan Ikan Lele dengan Model Budikdamber <p class="Default" style="text-align: justify;">One of the currently developing urban farming models is <em>budikdamber</em>, which is a mutually beneficial combination of aquaculture and hydroponic systems with a bucket as a medium for cultivation. This research aims to find out the best dosage of golden snail shells lime for increasing the swamp water pH for rearing catfish (<em>Clarias </em>sp.) and kale using the <em>budikdamber</em> model. This research applied a completely randomized design with six treatments and three replications. The dosages of golden snail shells lime used as treatment consist of 0.00 mg L<sup>-1</sup> equivalent to CaO (P<sub>0</sub>), 10 mg L<sup>-1</sup> equivalent to CaO (P<sub>1</sub>), 20 mg L<sup>-1</sup> equivalent to CaO (P<sub>2</sub>), 30 mg L<sup>-1</sup> equivalent to CaO (P<sub>3</sub>), 40 mg L<sup>-1</sup> equivalent to CaO (P<sub>4</sub>) and 50 mg L<sup>-1</sup> equivalent to CaO (P<sub>5</sub>). The results of this study indicate that the best dose of golden snail shell lime is 20 mg L<sup>-1</sup> equivalent to CaO (P<sub>2</sub>), which can optimize the swamp water pH from 4.80 to 6.78, survival rate 84 %, absolute weight growth of 18.44 g, absolute length growth of 6.15 cm and feed efficiency 132.49 %, and the total weight of the kale plant 11.33 g.</p> <p class="Default" style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</p> Dade Jubaedah Marsi Feni Haryani Marini Wijayanti Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Galung Tropika 2024-08-30 2024-08-30 13 2 146 160 10.31850/jgt.v13i2.1201 Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Konsumen Membeli Pakan Ternak di Mamminasata Poultry Shop <p><em>The purpose of this study is to ascertain the impact of feed quality, price, promotion and location factors on consumer decisions to buy animal feed at Mamminasata Poultry Shop (PSA quantitative descriptive method was used for the research which included 55 respondents as a sample. The date was collected using the questionnaire method and check information used was multiple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS 16.0 for windows. The results of this study show that the value of product quality coefficient (X<sub>1</sub>) is 0.0017, price (X<sub>2</sub>) is 0.002, promotion (X<sub>3</sub>) is 0.283 and location (X<sub>4</sub>) is 0.886. So it can be concluded that partially the product feed factor (X<sub>1</sub>) and price (X<sub>2</sub>) have a significant effect (P&lt;0.05) on consumer decisions while promotional factors (X<sub>3</sub>) and location (X<sub>4</sub>) do not have a significant effect (P&gt;0.05) on consumer decisions to buy animal feed. While the results of simultaneous test (F) showed that the F<sub>calculate</sub> value qas 4.809 with a significant level of 0.05 and the F<sub>table</sub> value was 2.786. Therefore, it is concluded that product feed (X<sub>1</sub>), price (X<sub>2</sub>), promotion (X<sub>3</sub>) and location (X<sub>4</sub>) have important influence on consumers decisions to buy animal feed</em></p> Iin Aprianty Angga Nugraha Armayani M Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Galung Tropika 2024-08-30 2024-08-30 13 2 172 177 10.31850/jgt.v13i2.1237 Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Padi (Oryza sativa L.) Hasil Priming Berbagai Konsentrasi PEG-6000 pada Cekaman Kekeringan <p><em>One way to get rice that can adapt to drought stress is by providing drought tolerance in the germination phase through seed invigoration with the “Seed Priming” method. The study aimed to determine the level of adaptation and the response of growth and production of PEG-primed rice under drought-stress conditions. The research was conducted in two stages. Phase I was in the form of rice seed priming in PEG 6000 solution arranged in a Randomized Group Design (RAK), consisting of 5 treatments, namely treatment without priming as control, PEG priming 0 gL-1, 50 gL-1, 100 gL-1, and 150 gL-1 with the length of seed priming for 36 hours. Phase II was a priming test of production levels in the field from the selected treatments in Phase I. The data were then statistically analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results showed that priming treatment using PEG 6000 for 36 hours with a concentration of 100 gL-1 gave the best results on vegetative growth (93% germination, seedling height 28, 27 cm, leaf length 19.11 cm, number of leaves 4 cm, and root length 4.08 cm). This concentration also gave the best results on generative growth (number of productive tillers 12, and grain weight 31.71 per clump), and increased the adaptation of paddy rice to drought stress conditions.</em></p> Trisnawaty AR Reza Asra Ria Megasari I Nyoman Arnama Mayasari Yamin Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Galung Tropika 2024-08-31 2024-08-31 13 2 268 278 10.31850/jgt.v13i2.1272 Pengaruh Kualitas , Harga, Dan Promosi Terhadap Pembelian Produk Olahan Ikan Griyaulam-Q Kabupaten Kediri <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>The government is aggressively implementing the Gemari program, namely Gemar Makan Ikan, to improve community nutrition. Fish processors use this opportunity to make varied fish dishes. Processed fish products are essential to increase consumer interest in consuming processed fish. This research aims to determine the influence of product quality on purchasing decisions, determine the influence of product prices on purchasing decisions for processed fish products, and determine the influence of product promotions on purchasing decisions for processed fish products at Griya Ulam-Q, Kediri Regency. The method used for objective analysis in this research is quantitative with multiple linear regression using SPSS. The regression analysis results in this research show in the t-test that product quality and promotion significantly affect purchasing decisions for processed fish products at Griya Ulam-Q, Kediri Regency. Meanwhile, the price variable only significantly affects the decision to purchase processed fish products at the Griya Ulam-Q.</em></p> Erlin Widya Fatmawati Navita Maharani Nastiti Winahyu Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Galung Tropika 2024-08-30 2024-08-30 13 2 178 186 10.31850/jgt.v13i2.1167 Analisis Pemasaran Ikan Konsumsi Keramba Jaring Apung Waduk Jatiluhur Zona 1, Kecamatan Purwakarta, Kabupaten Purwakarta <p><em>Purwakarta Regency has aquaculture production reaching 94.5 thousand tons only from KJA cultivation, making it the area with the highest aquaculture production in West Java. One that has high potential to produce abundant fish cultivation production is the Jatiluhur Reservoir. However, the abundant production of food fish cultivation in the Jatiluhur Reservoir will suffer losses if it is not accompanied by a fast and precise marketing process. This research was carried out in Jatiluhur Reservoir zone 1, Purwakarta District, Purwakarta Regency with research time from October 2023 to February 2024. The aim of this research is to analyze curiosity channel patterns, marketing costs, profits, margins, farmer's share, benefit cost ratio and marketing efficiency of consumption fish cultivated using the KJA cultivation system in Jatiluhur Reservoir zone 1. Sampling in this research used purposive sampling and snowball sampling methods, meanwhile data was analyzed using qualitative and quantitative descriptive methods. The results of this research are that the marketing channels for consumption fish are divided into three with marketing channel III being the most efficient, marketing for carp is more efficient than tilapia and the marketing business for consumption fish can be said to be feasible because it has an average BCR value of &gt;1.</em></p> Fajrin Audy Husnandina Atikah Nurhayati Asep Agus Handaka Suryana Ine Maulina Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Galung Tropika 2024-08-31 2024-08-31 13 2 198 208 10.31850/jgt.v13i2.1230 Perbedaan Lama Perendaman Sari Belimbing Wuluh terhadap pH, Kadar Air, dan Daya Ikat Air Daging Dada Itik Magelang <p><em>Duck is one type of waterfowl that has a higher nutritional content than chicken. The high nutritional value causes the duck meat to be easily damaged perishable food due to the high water content, the pH value is close to neutral and sufficient food is available for microbes. An alternative effort is needed for natural ingredients that are safe but can inhibit microbial growth in duck meat. One of the natural ingredients that can be used is star fruit (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) because it has a high acid content. This study aims to determine the difference in the duration of soaking Magelang duck meat with starfruit juice on the pH value, water holding capacity and water content. The research method was carried out using a completely randomized experimental design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications, and using a 40% concentration of starfruit juice with a soaking time of 0, 20, 40, 60 minutes. The data obtained were analyzed by analysis of variance and if different results were obtained, it was continued with the Duncan Multiple Rang Test (DMRT) further test. The results showed that the immersion time for 20-60 minutes can lower the pH value (5,83-4,67) and water content (67,05-63,68%), but had no effect on water holding capacity (48,47-54,63%). It is concluded that the immersion time of 60 minutes with starfruit juice with a concentration of 40% in can be used as a method of preserving Magelang duck breast meat.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Nur Hidayah Dedika Nanda Pramesty Rahma Wulan Idayanti Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Galung Tropika 2024-08-31 2024-08-31 13 2 219 228 10.31850/jgt.v13i2.1245 Keberlanjutan Usaha Peternakan Domba Kisar dan Strategi Pengembangannya di Pulau Kisar Provinsi Maluku <p><em>This study aims was to analyze the sustainability index and status of the Kisar sheep business and establish a strategy for the sustainability of Kisar sheep development. This study was implemented in Kisar Island, Maluku Province, using 95 Kisar Sheep farms and 15 expert respondents selected by purposive sampling. The data collection methods are literature study, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), in-depth interviews, and surveys. The research variables are 48 sustainable Kisar sheep development attributes from ecological, sociocultural, economic, technology-infrastructure, and legal-institutional dimensions. The data was analyzed using the Rap-DOMKI coordination technique through the Multi-dimensional Scaling (MDS) method to measure the sustainability indexes and status, Leverage analysis, and Monte Carlo analysis. The study results showed that the business was sustainable in ecological, sociocultural, economic, and technological infrastructure dimensions. However, it needed to be more sustainable in the institutional-legal dimension. It was found that 13 attributes sensitively influence business sustainability. Monte Carlo analysis showed that the difference in the sustainability index value of the five sustainability dimensions was very small or less than one (at a confidence level of 95%), which indicates a high precision level. The MDS Rap-DOMKI analysis showed that the stress value was 13-14% and the coefficient determination (R2) of 0.95. It indicates that the MDS Rap-DOMKI analysis model is adequate for estimating the sustainability of Kisar sheep development. It has a high confidence level and can be used as an evaluation tool for fast analysis of sheep development sustainability in one region. </em></p> Jomima Martha Tatipikalawan Insun Sangadji Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Galung Tropika 2024-08-31 2024-08-31 13 2 229 242 10.31850/jgt.v13i2.1216 Analisis Strategi Kemandirian Pangan Sektor Perikanan di Kota Bandung <p><em>The relationship between food and cities is complex because it covers various aspects such as production, distribution, and environmental impacts. Currently, the land area that can be used for the agricultural sector in Bandung City is only 9.6%. Most fishery commodities in Bandung City are imported from outside the region. This research aims to formulate strategies related to food independence efforts in the fisheries sector in Bandung City. This research uses a descriptive method with the tool used to analyze the data SWOT with an analysis of internal and external factors in the city of Bandung. The results obtained in this research are that the city of Bandung is in quadrant 2, which means that diversification is the right thing to implement now. The strategy used is to encourage the improvement of the social and economic status of the fish cultivator profession and also business actors in the fisheries sector in the city of Bandung by providing tax exemptions, subsidies, and technical assistance for fish cultivators who use environmentally friendly systems, providing capital loans and for fish farmers and fishery product processors, giving awards to fish farmers and fisheries business actors and developing adequate environmental protection and waste management programs to reduce water pollution by strengthening cooperation between local governments, law enforcement agencies, research institutions, and environmental organizations in monitoring and enforcing regulations related to waste management and river environmental protection.</em></p> Muhammad Rizal Alfiansyah Rizal Iwang Gumilar Asep Agus Handaka Suryana Ine Maulina Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Galung Tropika 2024-08-30 2024-08-30 13 2 161 171 10.31850/jgt.v13i2.1240 Enumerasi Potensi Cendawan pada Lahan Pasca Tambang Nikel PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk. <p><em>This study investigated the diversity and density of rhizosphere fungi in the post-nickel mining land of PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk., to assess its potential in supporting revegetation and ecological recovery. By analyzing fungal populations at various dilution levels in PDA media, this study revealed the relationship between post-reclamation duration and increased soil microbiological activity. The results showed that longer reclaimed land had denser fungal populations, especially at lower dilutions, indicating the importance of rhizosphere fungi in soil health recovery. This study confirmed that the presence of plants significantly affected the abundance and diversity of rhizosphere fungi. These findings provide insight into the importance of selecting specific fungal species for post-mining land revegetation strategies, which support plant growth and accelerate ecological recovery. It can contribute to developing best practices in ecological engineering and environmental management in post-mining areas.</em></p> Siti Halima Larekeng Munajat Nursaputra Nasri Andi Siady Hamzah Sri Wahyuni Jufri Muhammad Bima Akzad Andri Ardiansyah Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Galung Tropika 2024-08-31 2024-08-31 13 2 243 255 10.31850/jgt.v13i2.1170 Pengolahan Ikan Berbasis Bahan Lokal untuk Makanan Tambahan Pencegah Stunting <p><em>Diversity of complementary food intake for children aged 6-24 months is crucial to reducing new stunting rates. The combination of the three ingredients, flying fish, millet flour, and moringa leaves, is expected to be a PMT (Supplementary Food Provision) menu to fulfill nutrition for children aged 6-24 months and prevent stunting. The study aimed to analyze the level of preference and quality of the functional food formula for nuggets through organoleptic tests and nutrient content in nuggets. This study was conducted in July - August 2024. In this study, nugget formulations, organoleptic tests, and analysis of nutrient content in nuggets were carried out. The results of the organoleptic test of the level of preference for nuggets obtained an average value of 3.67 for color and aroma, 3.43 for taste, and 3.5 for texture. The results of the proximate test showed that nuggets contain complete nutrients. Nuggets contain 20.41% protein, 0.47% fat, 2.56% ash content, 25.59% carbohydrate, 50.71% water content, 29.045 mg/kg iron (Fe), 21.01 mg/kg zinc (Zn), and 120.21 mg/kg calcium (Ca). Overall, the assessment of the level of preference for nuggets made from flying fish, millet flour, and moringa leaves is above 3, which means that the nugget product is acceptable to the panelists. Nuggets contain complete nutrition, a reasonably high protein content, and essential minerals needed to reduce the risk of stunting.</em></p> Dewi Yuniati Ayu Indayanti Ismail Novi Aryanti Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Galung Tropika 2024-08-31 2024-08-31 13 2 209 218 10.31850/jgt.v13i2.1233 Pemanfaatan Biochar Sekam Padi, Tongkol Jagung dan Cangkang Kelapa untuk Meningkatkan Produksi Bawang Merah (Allium cepa) <p><em>Agricultural waste becomes a major post-harvest problem if not processed correctly. Post-harvest agricultural waste processing into biochar can be the right post-harvest handling solution and can be used to improve soil nutrient structure. This study aimed to determine the use of agricultural waste biochar to increase shallot production. This study was in the form of an experiment using a Randomized Block Design (RAK) with treatments including rice husk biochar (BSP), corn cob biochar (BTJ), coconut shell biochar (BCK), rice husk biochar + corn cob biochar (BSP + BTJ), rice husk biochar + coconut shell biochar (BSP + BCK), corn cob biochar + coconut shell biochar (BTJ + BCK), and rice husk biochar + corn cob biochar + coconut shell biochar (BSP + BTJ + BCK). The results showed that using rice husk biochar, corn cob, and coconut shell individually or in combination could increase shallot production. The highest output of shallots was demonstrated in the treatment of rice husk biochar + corn cob biochar + coconut shell biochar.</em></p> Syamsiar Zamzam Abd. Rahim Nurbaya Syamsinar Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Galung Tropika 2024-08-31 2024-08-31 13 2 289 295 10.31850/jgt.v13i2.1159 Analisis Kualitas Air dan Hubungannya dengan Pertumbuhan Ikan Lele Sangkuriang (Clarias gariepinus) pada Padat Tebar Berbeda <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Due to high demand, Sangkuriang catfish (Clarias gariepinus) is a widely cultivated consumption fish. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between water quality parameters such as temperature, pH, and water brightness with catfish growth. In addition, different stocking densities on catfish growth should be analyzed. The research was conducted at Omah Lele Catfish Farm from March to May 2023. The treatments consisted of Pond A, with a stocking density of 740 fish/m<sup>3</sup>, and Pond B, with a stocking density of 864 fish/m<sup>3</sup>. Growth data such as length, average body weight (ABW), and average daily growth (ADG) were analyzed using a T-test, and the relationship between water quality and growth was regression analysis. The interaction between temperature and catfish growth showed a negative/weak relationship, while the interaction between pH and water brightness on catfish growth was dominated by positive/strong. The stocking density variation of 740 fish/m<sup>3</sup> showed better length and weight growth compared to the higher stocking density of 864 fish/m<sup>3</sup>.</em></p> Ni Putu Dian Kusuma Sartika Tangguda Juniar Regina Lau Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Galung Tropika 2024-08-31 2024-08-31 13 2 256 267 10.31850/jgt.v13i2.1219 Efektivitas Tepung Daun Mangrove untuk Mengendalikan Penyakit Vibriosis pada Larva Udang Vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) <p><em>Shrimp production in several Asian countries, including Indonesia, accounts for more than 85% of world production, thus control of shrimp larval diseases must be strengthened to increase production. This study aimed to test the effectiveness of mangrove leaves, Rhizopora sp, in controlling larval vibriosis of the vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei).&nbsp; The study began with in vitro tests to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of mangrove leaf flour against Vibrio sp bacteria at doses of 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000 mg/L, 5% amoxicillin antibiotic (K+) and without mangrove flour (K).&nbsp; In the in vivo test, van</em><em>n</em><em>amei shrimp larvae (mysis-3) were immersed in a solution containing mangrove leaf flour with the three best doses of in vitro test results; 800, 900, and 1000 mg/L water, plus K-, for 15 minutes according to the treatment dose and maintained for 8 days before being challenged with Vibrio spp. The parameters observed were total hemocyte count (THC), differential hemocyte count (DHC), and survival rate (SR), which were observed on days 1 and 8, respectively, with the SR parameter observed on day 7 following the challenge test.&nbsp; The results showed that the Mangrove leaf diet at 800 and 900 mg/L significantly improved larval resistance to the pathogen V. harveyi (P &lt; 0.05). The high resistance was triggered by THC immunological response and the high proportion of semi-granular and hyaline at doses of 800 and 900 mg/L (P</em><em>&lt;</em><em>0.05). Mangrove leaf powder can therefore suppress vibriosis disease in vanamei shrimp larvae using the immersion method at 800 and 900 mg/L concentrations.</em></p> Sitti Arifah Amrullah Wahidah Ardiansyah Khusnul Khatimah Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Galung Tropika 2024-08-31 2024-08-31 13 2 187 197 10.31850/jgt.v13i2.1243 Permintaan dan Penawaran Produk Tempe di Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan <p><em>The agricultural sector is vital economic growth; one is by processing agricultural products into valuable products, such as tempeh, from raw soybean materials. The research aims to 1) Describe the characteristics of sellers and buyers of tempeh; 2) Describe the amount of tempeh sold by traders and the amount purchased by consumers; 3) Analyze the factors that affect the demand for tempeh; and 4) Analyze the factors that affect the supply of tempeh. The research was conducted in Pa'baeng-Baeng Market and Terong Market in Makassar City, South Sulawesi. The sample of tempeh traders was 50 people, and the sample of buyers was 200. The analysis methods used were descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the characteristics of tempeh buyer respondents were 40 years old on average, the average education level was high school (56.82%), the most female gender (83.64%), and predominantly worked as housewives (46.81%). The characteristics of tempeh trader respondents based on age are an average of 41 years, an average high school education level, and the dominant gender is male (74.00%). The average tempeh purchased by consumers is 19 packs/month, and the average tempeh sold is 3,504 packs/month. Simultaneously (F-test) is significant to the demand for tempeh, with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 62.1% that have a significant effect partially (T-test) are all the variables tested, namely the price of tempeh, buyer income, number of family dependents, intensity of need, taste, and price of substitute goods. F-test is significant to the supply of tempeh, with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 60.3%. The significant factor of effect partially (t-test) on the supply of tempeh are the price at the producer level, future price expectations, the number of producers, and the number of consumers. Meanwhile, the price at the trader level is insignificant</em></p> Sitti Rahbiah Aminah Siti Fatmawati Muhammad Fiqih Oktavian Hattah Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Galung Tropika 2024-08-31 2024-08-31 13 2 279 288 10.31850/jgt.v13i2.1259