
Journal Galung Tropika results from the collaboration between writers, editors, and readers. We appreciate input and suggestions from all parties. The changes we have made to date are a form of our appreciation for the support provided. Let's build the Journal Galung Tropika even better together.

  • Auto e-mail problem


    In connection with this, we are still making improvements to the system, especially automatic email, it is hereby conveyed that discussions through the OJS system (by email) cannot be carried out.
    Therefore, confirming the follow-up of the article can be done by logging into the system or sending an email message directly to the editor outside the OJS system.

    Read more about Auto e-mail problem
  • Migrasi OJS 2 ke OJS 3


    In connection with the improvement of the publishing system where JGT was initially managed using the OJS 2 platform and experienced several system problems, starting in January 2022 a migration was carried out from OJS 2 to OJS 3. We apologize for the inconvenience and delay in publishing during the migration process. For now, the acceptance/submission of articles and the review process can still be done via the following link. In addition, we convey that the auto-reply email is still having problems and is still under system repair.

    Read more about Migrasi OJS 2 ke OJS 3