Manuscript Writing Format
Guidelines for Writing Journal Galung Tropika Manuscripts
This writing guide aims to provide clear and complete guidance to authors in preparing a manuscript to be published in the Journal Galung Tropika. Submitted manuscripts must follow the established format and writing style.
Manuscript Format
- Language: Indonesian and English (for abstract).
- Font: Times New Roman.
- Paper Size: A4.
- Margins: Top 3 cm, bottom 3 cm, left 3 cm, suitable 3 cm.
- Spacing: 1.15 for the main text, 1 for abstract and bibliography.
- Writing: One column.
Manuscript Structure
- Title:
- Indonesian: Short, informative, and descriptive, maximum 15 words.
- English: Same as the Indonesian title, but written in italics.
- Writer:
- The author's full name is written in bold.
- Author affiliation (study program, faculty, university, complete address).
- Correspondence email address.
- Abstract:
- Indonesian and English: A summary covering the background, objectives, methods, and research results.
- Keywords: Maximum five words, written in bold and separated by semicolons.
- Introduction:
- Research background, literature review, problem formulation, and research objectives.
- Research methods:
- Time and place of research.
- Tools and materials used.
- Research methods in detail.
- Data analysis.
- Results and Discussion:
- Presentation of research results in the form of tables and figures.
- Analysis and interpretation of research results.
- Conclusion:
- Summary of research results and answers to research problems.
- Suggestions (optional).
- Acknowledgments: (optional)
- Bibliography:
- Use APA writing style.
- A minimum of ten references are dominated by scientific journals published in the last ten years.
Writing Citations and Bibliography
- In Text:
- Two authors: (Krieg & Hutmacher, 1986)
- Three or more authors: Simanungkalit et al. (2006) or (Paknejad et al., 2009)
- Internet citation: (AEKI-AICE, 2010)
- Thesis/thesis citation: (Nurhapsah & Sahabuddin, 2011)
- Journal article citation: (Lillieskov et al., 2002)
- Book citation: (Wirawan & Wahyuni, 2004)
- Book chapter citation: (Nuddin et al., 2017)
- Seminar/proceeding citations: (Setyaningsih et al., 2015)
- Bibliography:
- Sorted alphabetically by first author's name.
- We are using hanging indents.
- An example of the writing format can be seen in the template.
Tables and Figures
- Table:
- Numbered sequentially.
- The table title is placed above the table.
- Horizontal lines are only used at the top and bottom of the table to separate column headings and rows of data.
- Picture:
- Numbered sequentially.
- The image title is placed below the image.
Other Things to Note
- Language: Indonesian is excellent, correct, and easy to understand.
- Publication Ethics: Ensure that the manuscript submitted is the author's original work and has never been published elsewhere.
- Plagiarism: Avoid plagiarism in all forms.
- Manuscript Length: There is no strict limit on the length of the manuscript, but it is recommended that it be written concisely.
Assessment Process
Editors and reviewers will review submitted manuscripts to ensure their quality and suitability for publication. The review process includes assessing content, structure, language, and compliance with writing guidelines.
Note: These writing guidelines may change at any time without prior notice. The latest changes will be announced via the journal website.