Jurnal Galung Tropika has been accredited by SINTA 3
On behalf of the Editorial Team, we thank all the writers, reviewers, and editors who have contributed and contributed their scientific knowledge to the development of the Jurnal Galung Tropika (JGT). Therefore, JGT which in the previous year was ranked SINTA 4 has increased to SINTA 3 starting in 2019.
The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education through the Directorate General of Strengthening and Development has granted Scientific Publication Accreditation for the Jurnal Galung Tropika with SINTA 3 rating based on Decree Number 30/E/KPT/2019. This rating applies to Volume 8 Number 1 of the 2019 edition.
Please review the accreditation status via the link here.
The accreditation certificate can be seen here.